Custom Confetti for SF Giants World Series Parade
It was a 2:00 SOS phone call on November 2, 2010, the day before the SF Giants World Series victory parade. They needed 2,000 lbs of confetti and had no idea where to get it, with less than 24 hours notice. Not typically in our daily wheelhouse, we ‘went to bat’ for one of our favorite clients, and hooked up with a partner with a commercial shredder, and worked around the clock overnight to get it custom made. Hundreds of thousands of people jammed downtown San Francisco the next day for one of the largest gatherings the city had seen in years, as the confetti lit up the sky and rained upon them. It’s not everyday that we get to see our products ‘on the street’, but this fun project stands out in our memory as one of the simplest, yet impactful jobs to date, as it put a smile on most everyone’s face.